Something for your Pesah Table.
As I was running around getting ready for my seder I glanced at a New York Times article, "Seeking Ancestry in DNA Ties Uncovered by Tests" DNA. The article mentions the story of John Haedrich, a gentile who is using genetic tests that point to a 'genetic Jewish identity' to gain Israeli citizenship under the 'law of return'. He may challenge the law in Israel, arguing, "Because I was raised a gentile does not change the fact that I am a Jew by birth."
This fascinating story is great discussion fodder for the Passover seder. I recommend that you read the portion of the article around the passage of "In Every generation"-Bechol Dor vador. In that passage the haggadah emphasizes the marker of a Jew as being one who identifies with those who left Egypt. Here are some questions to consider.
With the reality of geneitc testing for ethnicity does Jewish identity through being born of a Jewish mother make sense?The Haggadah suggests that being Jewish is a matter of buying into the narrative of leaving Exodus? Do you think that is still true or relevant? Should Halachah on Jewish identity change due to advances in genetic testing?What is the impact of having a definition of Jewish identity that is based on genetics or birth? Would it be better if Judaism was based on choice?
These questions should stir up the knaidelach. Have a good discussion. Share with me your answers.
Hag Sameah, Happy Passover
Rabbi Dov Gartenberg

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